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driven by instinct.

We craft eCommerce brands,
driven by instinct.

Computer vision

Improving kitchen hygiene
and employee behaviour.

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Computer vision

Improving kitchen hygiene and employee behaviour.

Computer Vision, often abbreviated as CV, is defined as a field of study that seeks to develop techniques to help computers “see” and understand the content of digital images such as photographs and videos.

With recent advancements in AI, image and video processing is gaining adoption in applications related to production automation, smart supply chain and customer experience.

One such application we built with CV is for cloud-kitchen hygiene monitoring for our client FoodStreet. Our client manages about 25 cloud kitchen stations across 3 cities and wanted to Automate hygiene monitoring for their business.

Industry: Client Category

F & B



As we took up this project our approach was to breakdown “Hygiene” in a kitchen into a set of implementable engineering problems.

  • Employee Hygiene
  • Kitchen Hygiene - Tidy / Untidy
  • Insect detection.

We built machine learning models for the above problems and built a training data set using the past 6 months CCTV footage from kitchens.

Here is the performance of some of our models.

Head Cap Tracking for Cooks.

Tidy / Untidy Detection

We have successfully deployed this solution at 5 cloud-kitchen locations. FoodStreets vision is to deploy this technology across all their kitchen locations and further sell this as a solution to restaurant kitchens. We are grateful to FoodStreet for making us their partners in this visionary and ambitious journey.