We craft eCommerce brands,
driven by instinct.

We craft eCommerce brands,
driven by instinct.


Business process made
simple and effective.

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Business process made simple and effective.

We are living in an economy driven by knowledge workers. While thinking,communicating & reflecting is the essence of the modern workforce. We need tools that can organise the workforce without obscuring their creativity while also getting things done!

We built “Account me” a web & mobile based platform that helps companies organize, secure, tag & track business processes.

Communication optimized around a process.

Using account me - mobile app, user can scan documents and directly send it for approval & audit system - associated communication and document dependencies are built into the process.

Streamlined Workflows

With “Account Me” businesses can build custom processes, around the following functionalities.

  • Business process tracking.
  • Quick file import and export
  • Automatic metadata capture.
  • Intellegent file sorting.

Communication to aid the process.

Account me ships with a built in instant messaging feature to conduct communications around the business process. All team members can communicate securely through a unified business communication platform, you can share ideas, work deliverables, project updates through images, videos, text and files!

Have full control of your application at your own servers!

Data is precious and its loss could be irrevocable! Privately host our application in your own servers to ensure no third-party access to your data.

5 benefits of “Account Me” according to our customers:

  • Oversee ‘task progress’ across the teams.
  • Gain access to historic communication records for dispute resolution.
  • Enhanced team coordination on repetitive business processes.
  • High adaptability to changes in business process.
  • Self-hosted with company branding & custom domain name.